Elizabeth in Ft. Defiance, Arizona

Fall 2003
Tse Ho Tso Intermediate School
4th Grade

The view on the road to school.

More spectacular rocks on the way.

The cemetary on the way to school.

I think this cemetary is military in nature. I didn't get a chance to drive in and look but the USA flags in giant size tell you about their proud attitude toward the brave Navajos who have served in the U.S. military.



School grounds with a downpour. Notice water splashing out of the bucket.

More of the same downpour. This is the sidewalk to the entrance. This is looking out to the street from the overhang of the entrance. Note the large raindrops!

Students working on their "clouds" unit.

Class working on the "clouds" unit. Note the tile design.

Class working on "clouds" unit.

Elizabeth assisting students with "clouds" unit.

Students assisting each other with the "clouds" unit.

Locating a library book.

Answering questions about clouds.

True/False quiz time right before leaving for the bus to go home.
M & M's are the reward!

The road leading to Elizabeth's housing area and Window Rock viewed on the way.

Window Rock, Arizona. The Navajo Nation government buildings surround this natural rock.

Continue to: Hiking Canyon de Shelly